All of the products from StorageMotion, Inc are suitable for assisting the physically challenged! Because our products can be installed at any height and they bring items automatically down to any predetermined level, StorageMotion, Inc. is the perfect solution for creating an independent and barrier-free living environment.
The AutoPantry™, was designed to install in a reach-in or walk-in closet, but can also be installed as a cabinet over the countertop in the kitchen.
The ShoeSelect™, which is larger than the AutoPantry™, can be customized to store anything that assists a physically-challenged individual to live an easier life. Both products may be modified to be installed with custom switches that make operation easier.
Both the ShoeSelect™ and the AutoPantry™ do not encroach on any space below because the shelves are on a carousal. Unlike other products of its kind, this guarantees that you and any items stored below your unit will not get injured, crushed, or have to be moved out of the way.
The Automated WardrobeLift™ brings hanging clothes to a level that can be reached easily for someone who is vertically challenged. It is motor driven and has a wireless wall switch that can be placed any where. This product allows someone who uses a wheel chair to have complete access to all of their closet no matter what the ceiling height.
We will be glad to work with you to come up with a solution that meets your needs and helps you live an easier, more independent life!
Recognized as a helpful tool by the Occupational Therapists at Carolina’s Rehabilitation Hospital in Charlotte, NC, for their patients, the AutoPantryTM was installed in the therapy kitchen in the fall of 2006.